1. 扯白的反义词
1. 还有另外一种人物会扮演解说的角色,这种人扯白掉谎,完全不讲道德;可谓无所顾忌之至:这种人敢于模仿一切,而且不是开开玩笑的那一种,而是一本正经地去模仿,巴不得在大庭广众之中去模仿。
But there is another sort of character who will narrate anything, and, the worse lie is, the more unscrupulous he will be; nothing will be too bad for him: and he will be ready to imitate anything, not as a joke, but in right good earnest, and before a large company.
2. 还有35D,70D水缫丝及柞绢圆梳落棉,精梳落绵,水缫大挽手,机扯白片,各种精干品和床上用绵等。
There are 35D, 70D and Tussah silk water silk reeling round comb down cotton, combed Noil, water Reelingìlarge, machine pulling white films, a variety of elite goods and use asbestos, such as a bed.