批零差价[pī líng chā jià]
词典differences between wholesale and retail prices:批零差价。
词典price parities between the wholesale and retail trades:批零差价。
批零差价[pī líng chā jià]
differences between wholesale and retail prices; price parities between the wholesale and retail trades
1. 另一方面,汽油的状况与柴油类似,批零差价也接近千元。
On the other hand, the situation of petrol and diesel is similar to Zero post close to thousand dollars.
2. 传统零售企业的盈利模式主要是通过批零差价来实现利润,但目前在我国,这种盈利模式也有令人担忧的地方。
The profitability of traditional retail business model mainly through the Zero to post a profit, but in our country, the profit model also cause for concern.
3. 而按目前福州市场柴油6.01元/升的零售价折算成7042元/吨,目前的批零差价已达千元。
At present, Fuzhou market diesel 6.01 yuan/or converted to the retail price of 7042 yuan/ton, the current post has reached Zero thousand dollars.
4. 既然批零差价那么大,每升少赚点、多销一点,也是经销商的一种商业策略。
Since such a big difference Zero, earn less per liter, multi-pin point, is also a business strategy for dealers.
5. 这个成本就是交易费用,它对应的是商品价格中的批零差价。
And such cost is the
6. 第二十一条制定政府指导价、政府定价,应当依据有关商品或者服务的社会平均成本和市场供求状况、国民经济与社会发展要求以及社会承受能力,实行合理的购销差价、批零差价、地区差价和季节差价。
Article 21 Government-set and guided prices shall be fixed according to the average cost and market supply and demand of related marchandises or services, the economic and social development and the affordance of the people, allowing rational price differentials between buying and selling, between wholesale and retail sale, among different regions and different seasons.
7. 批零差价
7. 商品的批发价格低于零售价格,即存在着批零差价,其差额由零售企业所耗费的流通费用、税金和利润构成。
Wholesale price less than the retail commodity price, that there are wholesale and retail price difference, the difference is spent by the flow of retail business costs, taxes and profits composition.