1. 进了垂花门,两边是抄手游廊,当中是穿堂,当地放着一个紫檀架子大理石的大插屏。
Inside, verandah s on both sides led to a three-roomed entrance hall in the middle of which stood a screen of marble in a red sandalwood frame.
2. 抄手
2. 进了垂花门,两边是抄手游廊,当中是穿堂,当地放着一个紫檀架子大理石的大插屏。
Inside, verandahs on both sides led to a three-roomed entrance hall in the middle of which stood a screen of marble in a red sandalwood frame.
3. 林黛玉扶着婆子的手,进了垂花门,两边是抄手游廊,当中是穿堂,当地放着一个紫檀架子大理石的大插屏。
Lin Daiyu Pozi pulled out of the hands, into the Chuihua door, the two sides is Chaoshouyoulang, which is Chuantang, a localRosewood Chaping large marble shelf.
4. 将馄饨水煮过后拌入辣油,即成为另一道名菜「红油抄手」。
It is commonly served in soup, with noodles, or deep fried.
5. 献丑一下:在很多时候,只要涉及到文学分析,那些描写所谓的前奴隶的叙述的编辑都应该被认为是 a ghostwritten抄手
In many cases, the so-called edited narrative of an ex-slave ought to be treated as a ghostwritten account insofar as literary analysis is concerned.
6. 夫妻肺片麻婆豆腐钟水饺龙抄手国正街鸭子川北凉粉;龙抄手,担担面三大炮赖汤圆丁凉粉豆腐鲫鱼、辣子脆肠、跳水鸡、芋儿烧甲鱼锅巴肉片、辣子蒸东星斑、高汤辣汁褒仔翅、龙眼甜烧白、香辣回锅肉家常臊子蛋、酸汤牛蛙开水白菜、酱爆鸭霸王排骨、碧绿椒麻桂鱼、麻酱凤尾罐瓦汤、蓉和第一骨、吉利香菜丸、一条站着的鱼,二毛鸡杂煨锅,迷踪野鸭湘黔鸡,罗腊耳朵,扎海椒回锅肉开水白菜、酱爆鸭霸王排骨、碧绿椒麻桂鱼、麻酱凤尾特色黄辣丁、鱼头烧鸡公、邮亭鲫鱼、九尺生抠鹅肠大妈红烧肉、大妈鱼吃饱没有
Fuqifeipian Mapo tofu dumplings 10 minutes Long Chao Shou country Kawakita Bean duck Center Street; Long Chao Shou, Tam Tam Lai dumpling noodles artillery three small carp jelly bean, Galinsoga intestinal crisp, diving chickens, children burn lines Guoba soft-shelled turtle meat, steamed Galinsoga East Star Spot, spicy broth juice Tsai praised wings, sweet longan burning white, Spice Hui Guorou home-egg smell of urine, water Bullfrog Suantang cabbage, Jiang Bao King in Ap ribs, green mandarin fish Law, Ma, Fissidens sesame soup cans tile, and the first Rong Bone, parsley Geely pills, a fish stand, Ermaojiza pot simmer, Behind Xiangqian wild chickens, Luo their ears Prince, Zhahai Law Hui Guorou water cabbage, Jiang Bao King in Ap ribs, Ma Law green mandarin fish, sesame characteristics Fissidens Huang Lading, the head of public chicken, carp postal kiosk, to pull the Jiu Chi-sheng E Chang Hong Shaorou Mother, Mother did not eat fish
7. 垂花门:在北京传统的四合院住宅中,垂花门位于院落的中轴线上,处在正房与倒座之间,它的两侧连接着抄手游廊,游廊的外一侧是一道隔墙,称为看面墙,把院落截然分为内外两部分。
Chuihua Men: The Chuigua Men is located at axes in the traditional courtyard in Beijing, has a position between the main house and the opposite house, both sides connects corridor and outside the corridor is wall which divided the courtyard into inner and outside yard.
8. 龙抄手的主要特色是:皮薄、馅嫩、汤鲜。
Chao Shou-the main features are: thin skin, stuffing soft and Tang Xian.
9. 抄手
9. 此次展卖活动将有200多种小吃亮相,不仅有锅巴菜、煎饼馃子、小窝头虾酱、糖炒栗子、什锦糖堆儿等地道的天津风味小吃,还有新竹炒米粉、虾仔面线、虾仔煎、彰化肉圆、鸡肉饭、红油抄手、米血糕、天妇罗、铜锣烧以及哈尔滨的红肠等百余个台湾、广东、福建、海南等地方风味小吃。
The展卖activities will be unveiled more than 200 kinds of snacks, not only rice crust vegetables, pancake馃son, small窝头shrimp paste, 糖炒栗子, assorted candy堆儿Tianjin authentic flavor, such as snacks, Hsinchu rice noodles are fried shrimp noodles line, shrimp fried Aberdeen, Changhua meatballs, chicken rice, 抄手oil, rice blood pudding, tempura, as well as the Harbin Tungluo burned more than红肠, such as Taiwan, Guangdong, Fujian, Hainan, and other local snacks.
10. 抄手的意思
10. 约17:00飞机顺利到达成都双流机场,打的(约50元)到武侯祠大街九龙鼎青年旅舍集中,大家简单汇合,分房放行李,领队老鱼带我们品尝成都美食:担担面、夫妻肺片、龙抄手等。
About 17:00PM, I reached ChengDu. I found my team and went to have dinner together!
11. danci.911cha.com
11. 来成都后,吃了很多有名的小吃,如担担面、钟水饺、龙抄手、赖汤圆、牛肉焦饼、川北凉粉、钵钵鸡、酸辣粉等,但最让胃和心牵动的还是那不起眼的蛋烘糕。
To Chengdu, eat a lot of well-known snacks, such as the Tam-Tam, 10-minute dumplings, Chao Shou-Lai Tang Yuan, beef coke cake, jelly northern Sichuan, Bobo chicken, Suanla powder, but most affects the stomach and heart The humble egg or bake cakes.
12. 东西厢房南边的花墙子中间有一座垂花门,门内是四扇木屏风,东西厢房都有抄手游廊,与垂花门相通。
East and West to the south wing of a middle-Hua Qiang Chuihua door, wooden screen door is 4, East and West rooms have a verandah Chao Shou, with the same Chuihua door.