

抖瑟 双语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. 梅贻琦的声音有些抖瑟
    Mei Yiqi's the voice of some buffeting Sirleaf.

2. 911查询·英语单词

2. 母亲为它培上了肥沃的塘土,然而它的身子依旧纤弱,纤长的叶片没有丝毫生气,像一张干巴巴的拷贝纸,病怏怏地垂着,在寒风中抖瑟,像一丛营养不良的野草。
    Mother, it Pui Tong on the fertile soil, but its body is still fragile, the leaves not the slightest anger you ever thought possible, like a dry copy paper, patients unhappy to hanging, in the cold wind buffeting se, like a bundle malnutrition weeds.