

抚躬自问[fǔ gōng zì wèn]


词典examine one's own conscience抚躬自问;扪心自问;反省。

词典examine the question through self-reflection抚躬自问。


词典hold communion with oneself沉思,内省;抚躬自问。

词典I turn from questioning others to self-questioning.抚躬自问。

抚躬自问 汉英大词典

抚躬自问[fǔ gōng zì wèn]

examine one's own conscience; examine the question through self-reflection; hold communion with oneself; I turn from questioning others to self-questioning.; Reversing my former position, I now question myself whether I am more to blame.; self-examination

抚躬自问 双语例句

1. 你是不是应该先痛自创艾、抚躬自问呢?
    Should you not rather put your own house in order?

2. 抚躬自问

2. 本文选自他的《婚姻与道德》第十章《婚姻》。今天当我们纵观世界,抚躬自问,造成婚姻幸福和不幸的一般条件是什么时,结论往往令人生奇,即越有文化的人,越不太可能和一个伴侣幸福地白头偕老。
    When we look round the world at the present day and ask ourselves what conditions seem on the whole to make for happiness in marriage and what for unhappiness, we are driven to a somewhat curious conclusion, that the more civilized people become the less capable they seem of lifelong happiness with one partner.