

抠搜[kōu sou ]






抠搜 汉英大词典

抠搜[kōu sou]



抠搜 双语例句

1. 抠搜是什么意思

1. 她从小节省惯了,买东西的时候有点抠搜
    She has been provident since she was young, so she is thrifty in shopping.

2. 抠搜是什么意思

2. 他这个抠搜劲跟他妈妈一个样!
    He dawdles just like his mother does.

3. 小狗总想把一个滚落在沙发底下的肉骨头抠搜出来。
    Dogs can always search out a bone out which rolls under the sofa.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. 保存财力的办法之一是尽量少动用它,并维护和平以避免意外开支;但也要记住,为了防患於未然而及时拨款,往往可以避免支付更大的款项来消灾弭祸。我们同样也要避免债台高筑,为此,不仅要减少开支,而且在和平时期要尽量去偿还不可避免的战争所带来的债务,不可吝啬抠搜,把我们自己应承受的负担留给后代
    One method of preserving it is to use it as sparingly as possible, avoiding occasions of expense by cultivating peace, but remembering also that timely disbursements to prepare for danger frequently prevent much greater disbursements to repel it; avoiding likewise the accumulation of debt, not only by shunning occasions of expense, but by vigorous exertions in time of peace to discharge the debts which unavoidable wars have occasioned, not ungenerously throwing upon prosperity the burthen which we ourselves ought to bear....

5. 这个毛衣你已经织了半年了,真够抠抠搜搜的!
    You are so slow that you have been knitting this sweater for half a year.

6. 别以为除了你,其他人都是傻子,看着你抠抠搜搜的,一毛钱掰成两个五分,就马上把你当成勤俭持家的典范。
    Please don't hold the idea that everyone else is a fool except you and don't consider yourself as a model running home industrioualy and thriftily only for a fact that you can divide a coin into two. At Present, better give that receive.

7. 他真抠搜,像个守财奴。
    He is stingy & just like a miser.

8. 你这么抠抠搜搜的,什么时候才办完?
    If you go dawdling like this, when will you ever be able to finish?