

披星戴月[pī xīng dài yuè]

词典by the light of the moon and the stars披星戴月。


词典get up by starlight and not to down tools [not knock off work] till the moon rises

词典go to work before dawn and when one comes home, the moon is up


词典go to work in the field before dawn and come home after dark披星戴月;戴月披星。

披星戴月 汉英大词典

披星戴月[pī xīng dài yuè]

by the light of the moon and the stars; get up by starlight and not to down tools [not knock off work] till the moon rises; go to work before dawn and when one comes home, the moon is up; go to work in the field before dawn and come home after dark; journe


    The trackmen work very hard from morning till dusk.

披星戴月 网络解释

1. 披星戴月是什么意思

1. Working Late:Standing in Line排队 | Working Late披星戴月 | The Change转变

2. danci.911cha.com

2. capped by moon and cloaked by stars:Paddy fields 耕田 | capped by moon and cloaked by stars 披星戴月 | feign an opening 卖个破绽

3. 披星戴月什么意思

3. traveling day and night:爱在浩瀚的宇宙 Love in the vast universe | 披星戴月 traveling day and night | 穿越光年 go through light years apart

披星戴月 双语例句

1. 十二年如一日,他们披星戴月日出而做,日落而归,对我更是严加管教,教我如何做人,陪我学习知识,不知付出多少艰辛与汗水,希望我早日成材。
    Twelve years, such as day, they do very late sunrise, sunset and return to me even more strict discipline, taught me how to behave, learn with me, I do not know how much hard and sweat and hope that I become useful as soon as possible.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. 曾经在电视上看到过一次对某位CEO的采访,他自豪地总结企业成功的秘诀:我们的成功,都是因为我们的员工披星戴月、夜以继日的积极快乐地工作!
    There was an interview with some CEO on TV insolently summing-up the secrets of success Our success is due to those personnel happily working for the enterprise day and night, day after day.

3. 我披星戴月地工作。
    I started work at dawn and returned only at nightfall.

4. 曾经在电视上看到过一次对某位CEO的采访,他自豪地总结企业成功的秘诀:“我们的成功,都是因为我们的员工披星戴月、夜以继日的积极快乐地工作!”
    There was an interview with some CEO on TV insolently summing-up the secrets of success " Our success is due to those personnel happily working for the enterprise day and night, day after day. "

5. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

5. 那几年大关人造田简直造疯了,就违反上背着襁褓的母亲也闲不住,也披星戴月地干。
    Close man-made cropland a few that years to be built simply greatly mad, violate on the mother that carrying swaddle on the back also idle does not live, also ground of travel day and night works.

6. 那支商队披星戴月赶路,以便按时到达目的地。
    The caravan traveled by night and day in order to reach their destination on time.

7. 披星戴月是什么意思

7. 巡道工人披星戴月地执行任务。
    The trackmen work very hard from morning till dusk.

8. 好久没有更新博客了。因为在昆明工作了两个月,披星戴月的。
    Long time no update my blog because of the tough job in Kunming during the last two months.

9. 踏着晨曦而来,披星戴月而归,我们究竟为了什么?
    Follow from dawn, and the Pixingdaiyue, what are we about?

10. 披星戴月的纳西妇女是丽江古城的一道亮丽的人文风景。
    The Old Town of Lijiang Naxi women are of a beautiful scenery.

11. 披星戴月的翻译

11. 因为有梦想,我们披星戴月,只争朝夕。
      Because has the dream, we work night and day, make good use of one's time.

12. 我将披星戴月而去。
      I shall die by starlight.

13. 披星戴月

13. 他们和我们一起,朝起晚归披星戴月,他们欣慰着我们的进步,他们烦恼着我们的烦恼,他们梦想着我们的梦想。
      If we really want to show the thankfulness, the only mathod is to use our behaiours to thank people who have helped us and loved us, such as our parents, teachers and friends.

14. 披星戴月是什么意思

14. 所以,让我们一同唤醒自己的爱国心,唤醒为国效力的责任感,我们将一道披星戴月,披荆斩棘向前行进,我们需要照顾的不再只有我们自己,而是每一个人。
      So let us summon a new spirit of patriotism; of service and responsibility where each of us resolves to pitch in and work harder and look after not onlyourselves, but each other.

15. 几乎每一个经济适用房项目开盘,必然会出现老百姓披星戴月、风餐露宿排长龙等候放号的场面。
      Almost every item of housing markets, there are bound to break, worked long queues waiting to schedule the scene.

16. 披星戴月在线翻译

16. 我们知道很苦,披星戴月为的是拥有美好的明天。
      We know there're many difficulties, it's only for a beautiful tomorrow.

17. danci.911cha.com

17. 老师们,同学们,因为有梦想,我们披星戴月,只争朝夕;
      Teachers and fellow students, because there are dreams, we stars wearing the garb of the moon, seize the day;

18. 所以呢就被称?“披星戴月”。
      So the entire attire is called " pi Xing Dai yue ".

19. 群鸟披星戴月,从五湖四海飞来,栖息在这大自然的乐园中。
      Birds travel day and night from all over the world and perch in this paradise of great nature.

20. 披星戴月是什么意思

20. 其它主要有:西双版纳香蕉、芒果、昆明呈贡宝珠梨、昆明干鸡棕蕈、勐海天然樟脑、大理石英钟雕工艺品、剑川木雕、个旧昆明锡制工艺品、东川、昆明班铜工艺品、缅甸玉器、通海银饰品、昆明民族用品、昭通、版纳地毯、西双版纳傣族、哈尼族织锦刺乡品、丽江纳西族披星戴月衣、路南民族绣衣绣品及小盆景、通海花桩园艺饰品、建水紫砂陶器、西双版纳孔雀屏等。
      Others are: Xishuangbanna banana, mango, pear Baozhu Kunming Chenggong, Kunming brown mushroom dry chicken, Menghai natural camphor, quartz carved marble handicrafts, wood carvings Jianchuan, Kunming old tin handicrafts, Dongchuan, Kunming ban copper handicrafts, Myanmar jade, silver jewelry Tonghai, Kunming national supplies, Zhaotong, Banna carpets, Xishuangbanna Dai, Hani tapestry barbed rural goods, Lijiang Naxi披星戴月clothing, embroidery绣衣Road South nation and small bonsai, flower pile Tonghai gardening accessories, Jianshui Yixing pottery, Xishuangbanna Peacock screens.