

抬头纹[tái tóu wén]

词典wrinkles on one's forehead抬头纹。

抬头纹 汉英大词典

抬头纹[tái tóu wén]

wrinkles on one's forehead

抬头纹 网络解释

1. 抬头纹什么意思


2. wrinkles:黑痣 mole | 抬头纹 wrinkles | 疣 wart

3. 抬头纹

3. forehead lines:法令紋 nasolabial folds | 抬頭紋 forehead lines | 眉間紋 frown lines

4. frown lines:from the time he was a teenager 从青少年时代起 154 | frown lines 抬头纹 395 | fuel deadly resistance to 助长了对......的拼死抵抗 62

抬头纹 双语例句

1. 结果:爱贝芙注射除皱的方法适合额部抬头纹、眉间川字纹、鼻梁横纹、鼻唇沟皱纹等的除皱;对颈部皱纹和眼角鱼尾纹的除皱效果欠理想。
    Results Artecoll was fitted for decreasing wrinkles in the forehead, nasal dorsal and the skin between eyebrows; but, Artecoll couldn't obtain obvious effects in the skin of the neck and outside eye angle.

2. 相信有抬头纹的人会比较善良吗?
    Can you believe there are more good-hearted people in crow of their head?

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 你这么忧心忡忡会长抬头纹的。
    You're gonna give yourself worry lines.

4. 抬头纹

4. 先耸起抬头纹,有了;再皱起鼻沟纹,也有了!
    It took me a while to gather enough courage before I raised my head.

5. 抬头纹

5. 这样会让你长抬头纹的,你的锅盖刘海也遮不住。
    You're gonna give yourself worry lines, not that anyone could see them under that canopy of bangs.

6. 所以呢?试想一下,如果那些引起抬头纹的肌肉运动能被阻止的话,你就也能拥有像妮
    Could be prevented from moving, you too, could have skin like Nicole

7. 也发现了大学和高中的不同,没有了老师督促和关心,便开始想念起小妖的唠叨,晋阿姨的冷幽默,小勤勤的豪爽,俞一辛的眼影和抬头纹……没有人会来帮我们,无论什么工作都要自己来……开始对自己的能力产生了怀疑,总是感觉要撑不住了,真的好累好累
    Cannot keep up, be fond of tired out being fond of tired out really, ...

8. 911查询·英语单词

8. 试想一下,如果那些引起抬头纹的肌肉运动能被阻止的话,你就也能拥有像妮可基德曼那样的皮肤了。
    Well, if the muscles that cause those frown lines on your forehead could be prevented from moving, you too, could have skin like Nicole Kidman's.

9. 让我们为皱纹——为那些惊人的抬头纹和高挑的眼角纹——而欢呼鼓掌吧。
    Lets hear for wrinklesfor those fabulous frown lines and highkicking crowsfeet.

10. 那年我25,无数个夙兴夜寐,换来一个硕士学位,额上的抬头纹分外明显,脚下却半步也不敢停歇。
    That year I am 25, numerous Suxingyemei, earned a master's degree, for the Tai Touwen exceptionally clear, at the foot but dare not to release half step.

11. 抬头纹的翻译

11. 适用:各种表情纹:如川字纹、抬头纹、眼尾纹、法令纹,皮肤松驰、下垂等。
      Availability: Various expression wrinkles such as forehead wrinkles, canthus wrinkles, droopy skin etc.