

抱头大哭[bào tóu dà kū]


词典cry in one another's arms抱头恸哭;抱头大哭。

词典embrace and sob bitterly抱头大哭。

词典fall upon one another's shoulders and weep抱头大哭。

抱头大哭 汉英大词典

抱头大哭[bào tóu dà kū]


cry in one another's arms; embrace and sob bitterly; fall upon one another's shoulders and weep

抱头大哭 双语例句

1. 可是当他不注意的时候,我们3个女孩子跑到阳台上抱头大哭了一场。
    But when he wasn't looking, the three of us just hugged each other and cried out loud.

2. 抱头大哭的近义词

2. 说完,一头扎进妈妈的怀里,母子二人抱头大哭
    Finish, a mother into the arms of the mother and son They cry head.

3. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

3. 闵员外怒气冲冲,要休掉严氏,子千却是个孝顺的孩子,不忍父亲年老无伴,就跪在地上苦苦哀求父亲不要休妻,父子二人抱头大哭
    Min outside angry members, to the favor of repudiatingyan shi, but 1000 is a son of filial children, unaccompanied elderly father could not bear, on the knees begging his father not to divorce, father and son duobao tou crying.