

抱头鼠窜[bào tóu shǔ cuàn]


词典cover one's face and creep away抱头鼠窜。

词典cover one's head and scurry away like a rat to its hole抱头鼠窜。


词典flee [run] for one's life

词典flee in a panic抱头鼠窜。

抱头鼠窜 汉英大词典

抱头鼠窜[bào tóu shǔ cuàn]

cover one's face and creep away; cover one's head and scurry away like a rat to its hole; flee [run] for one's life; flee in a panic; flee helter-skelter; flee like a mouse, covering one's head with one's sleeves; put one's hands over one's head and flee l

抱头鼠窜 双语例句

1. 我就打的他抱头鼠窜。。。
    I would knock him into the middle of next week.

2. 要说胆量,据说有一次一只并不算大的雄火鸡,刚张开嘴巴啼了一声,就把她吓得抱头鼠窜
    As for courage, a moderate-sized cock-turkey had been known to put her to rout at the very first gobble.

3. 抱头鼠窜

3. 博望坡一把火烧得夏侯惇抱头鼠窜,新野城一把火烧得曹仁胆颤心惊,然后是赤壁的一把大火,烧掉了曹瞒统一中国的梦想。
    Bo Wangpo gets baked wheaten cake Xia Hou 惇 covers the head and sneak away like a rat, new Yechengyi gets baked wheaten cake Cao Ren tremble with fear, it is a conflagration of Chibi next, burn-up the dream that Cao hides the truth from unified China.

4. 他们一见,惊魂丧胆,张惶失措,抱头鼠窜
    4 When they looked they were astounded; terrified, they were put to flight!

5. 抱头鼠窜是什么意思

5. 韩国人从来没有放过一个侮辱中国人的机会,在历史博物馆的画卷中中国人经常被描绘成一群低劣丑陋的黄色蓝色蚂蚁,被高大威武的白色高丽人打得抱头鼠窜,像砍瓜切菜一般。
    In many museum paintings, Chinese are often being depicted as a bunch of blue and yellow pests slaughtered and run over by the tall and handsome Caucasian like Korean warriors.

6. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

6. 一旦被她们发现则人人喊打,小刘成了过街老鼠,好几次抱头鼠窜,狼狈不堪。
    Found everyone cries'kill it', the person hated by everyone of little Liu Cheng, scurry off like a frightened rat several times by them, in a dilemma.

7. 抱头鼠窜的意思

7. 那一瞬间,没有人动作,然后,似乎这个女人的威胁解除了某种把众食客按在座位上的看不见的锁链一般,大家纷纷跳起来,开始拼命朝着饭店的出口抱头鼠窜
    For a moment, no one moved. Then, as if the woman's threat had pulled some invisible linchpin keeping all the diners locked to their seats, they sprung up and scrambled for the Jim Dandy's exits.

8. 有一次,一支英国巡逻队被三只犀牛杀得抱头鼠窜;又有一次,被一群狒狒怒冲冲杀得落荒而逃。
    On one occasion, a British patrol was routed by three rhinoceroses, and on another by a troop of enraged baboons.

9. 抱头鼠窜的翻译

9. 到了另一处,又被灯光吓得抱头鼠窜
    Arrived another place, is again frighten by light flee ignominiously.

10. danci.911chaxun.com

10. 这一下引起一阵吼叫声和随之而来的一阵狂风,吓得他抱头鼠窜奔上楼梯。
    It triggered a howling sound and a concurrent gust of wind, both of which sent him scurrying up the stairs.

11. 抱头鼠窜的翻译

11. 声音大得足够让最凶猛的野兽抱头鼠窜
      Loud enough to give the boldest beast a scare.

12. 抱头鼠窜

12. 我们把恐怖分子打得抱头鼠窜;我们正在乘胜追剿他们。
      As we fight this war, we will remember where it began here, in our own country.

13. 被打的几乎所有主炮失灵,屁滚尿流,抱头鼠窜,苍狂逃离战场的好象是刚造出来完成调试的号称世界上最先进的战列舰吧?
      Beaten almost all the main guns out, Pigunniaoliu, Baotoushucuan, Cang mad fled the battlefield as if it is just for the sake of completion debugging known as the world`s most advanced battleship, right?