

抽印[chōu yìn]



抽印 汉英大词典

抽印[chōu yìn]

(抽出一部分单独印刷) offprint

抽印 双语例句

1. 抽印的解释

1. 五 申请入博士班者,另检附中文或英文硕士论文摘要乙份(无论文者免附,但须提出相关证明文件),及发表之论文抽印本与发表证明各乙份。
    Doctoral candidates must, in addition, provide a Chinese or English abstract of the master`s dissertation, and an off-print.

2. 抽印

2. 请问这个reprint是抽印本还是整本的样刊?和copy有什么区别?请真正知道的回答。还有加分。
    Reprints are not free however, if you do not want to pay for the 25 reprints, I can mail you one copy when the paper has been published.

3. 抽印本(选印本)不需要进行校正,请印出来,完成后标出附上的选印订货单随着您的校对稿一起按照下面给出的地址(或传真)回复。
    Offprints Regardless of the need to make corrections, please print out, complete and sign the enclosed Offprint Order Form and return it with your proofs to the address (or fax) given below.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. 有兴趣者,请送个人资料、三封推荐信、一份发表文献抽印本及其他相关参考资料。
    Interested applicants please send a curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation, a copy of publications, and other relevant documents to Dr.