

抽噎[chōu yē]



抽噎 汉英大词典

抽噎[chōu yē]




    in broken sobs;


    She checked her sobs with an immense effort.

抽噎 网络解释

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

1. plorsingulti:抽烟: fumi | 抽噎: plorsingulti | 仇敌: malamiko

2. 抽噎在线翻译

2. sob n:soap n. 肥皂 | sob n抽噎, 啜泣声, 哽咽 v哭诉, (风等)发呜咽声, 哭泣 | soccer n英式足球

3. 抽噎

3. Yammer:宠爱,溺爱:Cosset;Pamper:Spoil | 抽噎:Yammer | 出人意料的(事情):Irony

抽噎 双语例句

1. 抽噎

1. 她一面愤怒地抽噎着,一面尽钉着他问。
    She kept asking through angry sobs.

2. 抽噎的意思

2. 纪律委员抽噎着说道:虽然我是堂堂七尺男儿,但我哭了,我为我们的班级感到悲哀,感到难过。
    Sobs the Disciplinary Board, said: Although I am a stately seven-foot man, but I am crying, I feel sad for our class sorry.

3. 抽噎的意思

3. 在抽噎间,她告诉祖父这些就是黑郁金香球根。
    Between convulsive sobs, she told him that these were his black tulip bulbs.

4. 抽噎的意思

4. 她把脸埋在枕头里,又开始抽噎起来。
    She began to sob again, burying her face in the pillow

5. 她费了好大劲才忍住了抽噎
    She checked her sobs with an immense effort.

6. 她正剧烈地抽噎着,浑身颤抖。
    She was now shaking with long, racking sobs.

7. 我发现她在屋里抽噎
    I found her sobbing in her room.

8. 抽噎

8. 在戏剧结尾时,有些观众抽噎起来。
    There were a few sniffles in the audience at the end of the play.

9. 我们听到那间屋子里的小孩在抽抽搭搭地哭著。
    SCb; sBb/ v 1 draw in breath noisily and irregularly from sorrow, pain, etc, esp while crying 啜泣; 抽噎: We could hear the child sobbing in the other room.

10. 抽噎什么意思

10. 那迷失的女孩抽噎低泣著找她妈妈。
    The lost girl whimpered for her mother.

11. 菲利浦没有答腔,突然她抽噎起来。
      Philip did not answer, and in a moment she broke into a sob.

12. 你慢慢的爬起来,我可以看到你脸上的泪痕,鼻子还在抽噎着。
      I can see that your face is a little tear stained, and your nose has been running.

13. danci.911cha.com

13. 我不去管她,让她捂着手帕抽噎
      I left her sniffling into her handkerchief.

14. 抽噎的近义词

14. 躺在那儿抽噎并不能帮着解决问题。
      You're not going to help matters by lying there sobbing!

15. 拉泽娜一下瘫倒在母亲的怀抱里,抽噎起来。
      Razeena collapsed in her mother's arms, bursting into sobs.

16. danci.911cha.com

16. 哭完后大声地抽噎着。
      To sniff loudly after you stop crying.

17. 抽噎是什么意思

17. 德拉这样作了,可精神上的感慨油然而生,生活就是哭泣、抽噎和微笑,尤以抽噎占统治地位。
      So Della did it. Which instigates the moral reflection that life is made up of sobs, sniffles, and smiles, with sniffles predominating.

18. 抽噎的解释

18. 婴儿开始抽噎地哭起来,莉莎白把他放在自己的膝上,上下晃动。
      The baby began to whimper. Lisbeth joggled him up and down on her knee.

19. 她抽噎地说:别伤我的心!
      She whimpered:Don't hurt me!

20. 我的学位没有教我怎样处理这样的事情,她抽噎着说道。
      My degree didn't prepare me to handle something like this, she sobbed.