

The horse drawn;
抽马 双语例句

1. 抽马什么意思

1. 有一次,他骑马出去游玩,举起鞭子抽马时力气稍大了点,鞭子竟然断了,他也从马上跌下来,还受了伤。
    Once when he rode out to play, he whipped thehorse a little bit hard and the horsewhip broke. He fell down from the horse and got hurt.

2. 车夫醉了,他喊叫起来,不过他不再抽马了。
    The driver was drunk and he began to shout, but he stopped whipping the horses.

3. 骑手说他经常会用鞭子抽马
    The jockey said he tended to flick horses with the whip.

4. 抽马

4. 他用鞭轻轻地抽马
    He flicked the horse with his whip.

5. 车夫醉了,他喊叫起来,不过他不再抽马了。同时,我们的先生抄下了在车身一侧的名字和地址。
    The driver was drunk and he began to shout, but he stopped whipping the horses. Meanwhile, our gentleman wrote down the name and address that was on the side of the cart.

6. 我常常想要用一条抽马的鞭子狠狠地教训一下你。
    I`ve always thought a good lashing with a buggy whip would benefit you immensely.