

拆烂污[cā làn wū]



词典leave things in a mess拆烂污。

词典mess things up胡来;胡搞;拆烂污。

词典be irresponsible拆烂污。

拆烂污 汉英大词典

拆烂污[cā làn wū]

[方] do sloppy [slovenly] work; leave things in a mess; mess things up; be irresponsible:

  例:你在家里等我。 可不要拆烂污!

    You be waiting for me at your place. And mind you don't mess things up!

拆烂污 网络解释

1. out blue five:dog pussy knife early 狗皮倒灶 | out blue five 拆烂污 | king four king 横竖横

2. 拆烂污什么意思

2. ejrs:eisd 掼浪头 | ejrs 拆烂污 | ele 扭计

拆烂污 双语例句

1. 你在家里等我。可不要拆烂污
    You be waiting for me at your place. And mind you don't mess things up!

2. 拆烂污什么意思

2. 他工作拆烂污,受到了批评。
    He was criticized for his sloppy work.