

拔舌地狱[bá shé dì yù]

词典the hell where the tongue is pulled out -- as the punishment for oral sin

拔舌地狱 汉英大词典

拔舌地狱[bá shé dì yù]

(in Buddhism) the hell where the tongue is pulled out -- as the punishment for oral sin

拔舌地狱 双语例句

1. 这白贼七后来恶贯满盈,成了众矢之的,据说死得很惨;不只这样,恐怕死后魂魄还要在无边地狱受拔舌耕犁、灌屎灌尿的苦,永无出期呢!
    He died in a brutal way, and after death his soul probably went to the Unintermittent Hells to eternally suffer having his tongue ripped out and being drenched with urine and excrement.

2. 将来下拔舌地狱,那时候把舌头给拔出来,他不会说话了,那时候他说不出话,心里想:唉呀!
    When they get there, their tongues will be ripped out and they cannot talk anymore. In their minds they will think, What a mess I'm in.

3. 拔舌地狱是什么意思

3. 这种忤逆之事是说不得的,倘是奴才说了,死后要入拔舌地狱,就是心中想一想,死后也不免进洗脑地狱去受苦。
    Said the old eunuch.