

Move up;
招拢 双语例句

1. 招拢的解释

1. 老师把孩子们招拢来玩游戏。
    The teacher gathered children for a game.

2. danci.911cha.com

2. 成语兼收:多方面吸收;并蓄:一并保存。多方面吸收并保留下来。指吸收、招拢多方面的人才或事物。
    Swallow anything and everything; incorporate things of diverse nature; absorb anything and everything; all-embracing; take in everything

3. 在将不死黑暗萨克作为武器摧毁了钛师傅后,黑暗擎天柱和喷气机又招拢了俯冲,并开始对元始天尊的火种室发动了攻击,他们的敌人只剩下了引天行和御天敌。
    Using the undead Dark Scorponok as a weapon against the damaged Alpha Trion and manipulating Skyfall to their side, Ramjet and Nemesis Prime led an attack on Primus'Spark chamber, only to be confronted by Sentinel Maximus and Vector Prime.