

拜客[bài kè]

词典pay a visit进行访问;拜客。

词典call on号召;叫;要求;拜访(某人)。

拜客 汉英大词典

拜客[bài kè]

pay a visit; call on

拜客 网络解释

1. 拜客的解释

1. back:belly 败类 | back 拜客 | stomach 死他妈嗑

拜客 双语例句

1. 拜客

1. 我曾经去澳拜客牛排屋的所有时间。
    I used to go to the outback steak house all the time.

2. 拜客的意思

2. 澳大利亚的澳拜客是不是所谓的最后边界在地球的什么。
    Australia`s Outback isn't called the last frontier in the planet for nothing.

3. 她生平的大事就是嫁女儿;她生平的安慰就是访友拜客和打听新闻。
    The business of her life was to get her daughters married; its solace was visting and news.

4. 911查询·英语单词

4. 她生平的大事就是嫁女儿;她生平的安慰就是访友拜客和打听新闻。
    The business of her life was to get her daughters married; its solace was visiting and news.

5. 她生平的安慰就是访友拜客和打听新闻。
    Its solace was visiting and news....

6. 拜客什么意思

6. 高盛对澳拜客还是浩明环球科技的资产出售均拒绝置评。
    Goldman declined to comment about either the Outback Steakhouse or Acument asset sales.

7. 据知情人士称,澳拜客的出售已吸引了韩国当地餐饮集团的兴趣。澳拜客在亚洲共有118家分店,其中逾100家坐落在韩国。
    According to people familiar with the matter, the sale of Outback Steakhouse has interested local restaurant groups in South Korea, where more than 100 of the 118 Asian outlets are located.

8. 拜客的翻译

8. 澳拜客业务的买家还可能获得在中国开拓澳拜客品牌的权利——韩国企业正寻找在华扩张机遇。
    A buyer of the operations is also likely to acquire the rights to develop the Outback Steakhouse brand in China, where South Korean companies are searching for expansion opportunities.

9. 拜客的解释

9. 方老太太说,明天叫裁缝来做他的纺绸大褂和里衣裤,凤仪有两件大褂,暂时借一件穿了出门拜客
    His mother said she would have the tailor come the next day to fit him for a silk gown and pants, and for the time being his brother Feng-i had two gowns and could lend him one to wear when he went visiting.

10. 高盛对澳拜客还是浩明环球科技的资产出售均拒绝置评。
    Goldman declined to comment about either the Outback Steakhouse or acument asset sales.

11. 拜客的翻译

11. 1988年,澳拜客牛排店在美国佛罗里达州的坦帕市开设了第一家餐厅。
      In 1988, the first original Outback Steakhouse opened in Tampa, Florida. However, Rhoda found life amusing and had a fairly good time.

12. 她生平的安慰就是访友拜客和打听新闻。
      Its solace was visiting and news.

13. 澳拜客是由贝恩资本牵头的财团于2007年以32亿美元收购的,但其核心美国业务的销售额有所下降,加大了偿还债务的难度。
      The company was acquired by a Bain capital-led consortium in 2007 for $ 3.2bn, but sales at its core US operations have fallen making it tougher to meet debt repayments.

14. 维尔福先生通常极少出去拜客,也极少回拜。
      Ordinarily m. de Villefort made and returned very few visits.

15. 911查询·英语单词

15. 维尔福先生通常极少出去拜客,也极少回拜。
      Ordinarily m.de Villefort made and returned very few visits.