

拾拣 双语例句

1. 这些方法包括,用网扑捉,用大型的机械臂拾拣和高能量的激光,这高能量的激光能够移走或者摧毁太空中的垃圾。
    They include nets, giant collecting arms and powerful laser beams that would move or destroy space junk.

2. 拾拣在线翻译

2. 旁白:我还是每天做梦,梦里开始有玫瑰的色彩,那些摇曳的春天和被风吹落的枫叶像天使一样守护着我的梦,当我拾拣幸福的时候,风开始大起来。
    I still dream every night, and it started to get the color of rose. The swinging spring, the falling leafs, are like angles, guarding my dreams. Winds begin to blow harder when I pick up happiness.

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3. 我不是怨天尤人的人,虽然禁闭在书房里吹着冷气,帘子遮住了大半边窗,但我还是会在这与周围的声色隔绝的地方,拾拣回我洒弃的颜色。
    I am not the person the blame on others, although the closed air-conditioning blowing in the study, half of a curtain to cover a large window, but I will still be around in this isolation of the debauchery of the place, throwing up, I jumped拣回color.