1. 拾芥的解释
1. 主页内容包括登录、主页、四季如歌、千雪拾芥、清风雪影、浅吟低唱、情感小驿和雁过留痕等八个部分,分别表达了八个不同的主题,通过主程序调用,各部分有机地结合起来。
The content of my web include login, homepage, songs of four seasons, snow in breeze, station of emotions, seeking natural beauty in snow, sing in wind and broadcast bulletin, they expressed 8 different topics respectively, they are harmoniously merged together and can be called up by the main procedure.
2. 拾芥是什么意思
2. 元稹的家庭&《元稹年谱》疏误拾芥
YUAN Zhen's Family - On the Mistakes ofA Chronicle of YUAN Zhen's Life