

指天誓日[zhǐ tiān shì rì]

词典swear by the heaven and sun as witness指天誓日。

词典call heaven to witness请老天爷作证;指天誓日。

词典take an oath under heaven指天誓日。

指天誓日 汉英大词典

指天誓日[zhǐ tiān shì rì]

swear by the heaven and sun as witness; call heaven to witness; take an oath under heaven

指天誓日 网络解释

1. 指天誓日什么意思

1. To call heaven to witness:後患無窮 There will be the deuce to pay | 指天誓日 To call heaven to witness | 指鹿為馬 (1) To talk black into white

指天誓日 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 我们的政客常常指天誓日说要根除贪污,可是始终雷声大雨点小。
    Our politicians repeatedly pledge to root out corruption, but it is always much cry and little wool.