

指指点点[zhǐ zhǐ diǎn diǎn]

词典gesticulating指指点点;做手势示意或强调( gesticulate的现在分词 )。

指指点点 汉英大词典

指指点点[zhǐ zhǐ diǎn diǎn]


指指点点 网络解释

1. there was some staring and point:doodle涂鸦 | there was some staring and point指指点点 | be itchy 痒痒

2. danci.911cha.com

2. to point at, to indicate:风度翩翩 have an elegant and smart manner; be handsome and suave | 指指点点 to point at, to indicate | 在乎 care about; be determined by; to mind