

换文[huàn wén]

词典exchange of notes [letters]

词典exchange of letters书信往来。

换文 汉英大词典

换文[huàn wén]

exchange of notes [letters]:


    exchange notes on the development of trade

换文 网络解释

1. exchange of notes:有时候,这些国家还会签订换文(exchange of notes)或谅解备忘录(Memorandum Of Understanding,简称MoU). 有些国家在几年后还会签订后续议定书,对现有的税收条约进行更新或修改,后续议定书同样要履行签订税收条约的程式.

2. 换文

2. exchange of letter:授权书 power of attorney | 换文 exchange of letter | 备忘录 memorandum

3. 换文

3. exchange of documents:equivalent sequences of functions 等价函数序列 | exchange of documents 换文 | associative law [数]结合律

4. 换文的近义词

4. exalter of letter:授权书 power of attorney | 换文 exalter of letter | 备忘录 memorandum