

捣药[dǎo yào]



捣药 网络解释

1. 捣药的翻译

1. pounding the elixir of immortality in a large mortar:大红花轿 red bridal sedan chair | 捣药 pounding the elixir of immortality in a large mortar | 衣冠毕具Be clad in colorful costumes

捣药 双语例句

1. 蟾蜍 玉兔,你每天采药、炼药、捣药,屋里到处散发难闻的药味,连你的衣服上身
    Toad Rabbit, you every day collect herbs, refine drugs, pestlemedicine, the unpleasant smell is everywhere in your house

2. 捣药什么意思

2. 李商隐的诗说:嫦娥捣药无穷已,玉女投壶未肯休。
    Li shangyin's poetry said: charng-er has infinite medicine, beaten.

3. 捣药的翻译

3. 王母娘娘知道了,罚她在月亮捣药,永远过着寂寞清苦的生活。
    Wangmuniangniang know, fine-chopped her in the moon, Qingku never lived a lonely life.

4. 嫦娥是服了不死之药而奔月的,而且到了月亮之后,又变成白兔不停地捣药,捣的是什么药呢?
    The moon is the medicine and ran The month after to the moon, and constantly, and rammed into a white rabbit, dao is what medicine?

5. danci.911chaxun.com

5. 中秋节的传说是非常丰富的,嫦娥奔月,吴刚伐桂,玉兔捣药之类的神话故事流传甚广。
    The legend of the Mid-Autumn Festival is a very rich, Wu Gang osmanthus, Yutu mixes like drugs widely fairy tale.

6. 捣药

6. 五时到七时,为犯时,这时太阳尚未升起,月亮还挂在天上,此时玉兔捣药正忙。
    00 To 7:00. guilty, then not rising sun, the moon hangs in the sky, the rabbit mention is busy at this time.

7. 捣药的近义词

7. 中秋节的传说是非常丰富的,嫦娥奔月,吴刚伐桂,玉兔捣药之类的神话故事流传甚广。
    The Legend of the Mid-Autumn Festival is very rich, Changebenyue, cutting-Gui Wu Gang, Yutu chopped drugs such as the legend spread wide.

8. 捣药

8. 中秋节的传说是非常丰富的,嫦娥奔月,吴刚伐桂,玉兔捣药之类的神话故事流传甚广。
    The Mid-Autumn Festival is very rich in legends, acclamation, cutting Gui Wu Gang, Yutu destroyed the myth of the story of a very wide spread.

9. danci.911cha.com

9. 随着社会的不断发展,古人给予月亮许多传说,从月中蟾蜍到玉兔捣药,从吴刚伐桂到嫦娥奔月,丰富的想象力为月宫世界描绘了一幅幅斑驳陆离的胜景。
    With the continuous development of society, the moon give many legends from months to moon, toad, WuGang thinning beaten from guangxi to chang e, rich imagination as the moon for the LiuLi mottled scenery.

10. 主要有避邪类纸马,一般应岁时习俗印制,春节前售全神马;五月售艾虎;八月十五前售月供马,内容为福、禄、寿三星和月婆捣药
    There are categories of good fortune paper horse, generally at the age of customs should be printed before the Lunar New Year give full sale of horse; May Yihu sale; on Aug.

11. 她真的在一下下挥动着换捣药杵,捣着那万古不变的寂寞吗?
      She really look for-pound medicine under the waving pestle, trace and TV drama eternal constant loneliness?

12. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

12. 这只白兔拿着玉杵,跪地捣药,成蛤蟆丸,服用此等药丸可以长生成仙。
      This rabbit use a jade stick, kneel down and blend the herbs to magic pill, after eating this pill may become angel.