

掠美[lüè měi]


词典claim credit due to others掠人之美;掠美。


词典take credit due to sb. else掠美。

词典rob sb. else's good point掠美。

掠美 汉英大词典

掠美[lüè měi]

claim credit due to others; take credit due to sb. else; rob sb. else's good point:

  例:这是她的高见, 我不敢掠美

    It was her idea. I can't claim credit for it.

掠美 双语例句

1. 他掠美于先,再还你而已。
    He robs thee of and pays it thee again.

2. 掠美是什么意思

2. Jack和Ben两个年轻人朝他们走近,看起来不怀好意地想要和Roque先生攀谈,或者,更包藏着掠美人而去的祸心。
    While the two young men set in the aisle chairs as if to ward off any unwelcome intruders who might try to talk to Mr. Roque or, even worse, steal one of the girls.

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3. 这是她的高见,我不敢掠美
    It was her idea. I can't claim credit for it.