

推戴[tuī dài]

词典support sb. assuming leadership推戴。

推戴 汉英大词典

推戴[tuī dài]


[书] support sb. assuming leadership

推戴 双语例句

1. 原住贝加尔湖以南蒙古高原,13世纪曾建立横跨欧亚两洲的蒙古帝国。1206年,铁木真在斡难河畔举行的忽里勒台上被推戴为蒙古大汗,号成吉思汗,建立了蒙古国。1271年忽必烈建立元朝,1279年统一中国。17世纪初一部分卫拉特人向西迁至伏尔加河下游,形成今卡尔梅克人。13世纪初创立蒙古文,沿用至今。
    Origin south of the Mongolian Plateau Lake Baikal, in the 13th century across Europe and Asia have been the establishment of the Mongolian Empire. 1206, Temujin held in the WO suddenly hard-sur-le-li Taiwan was pushed wearing a sweat in Mongolia, Genghis Khan, No., established Mongolia. 1271 Kublai Khan established the Yuan Dynasty, the unification of China in 1279. The early 17th century as part of Oirats who moved to the Volga River downstream to the west, forming this Kalmyk people. Creation in the early 13th century, Mongolian, use ever since.

2. 推戴在线翻译

2. 所以他居于人民之前,而人民不以为是妨害;居于人民之上,而人民不以为是负担加重,天下乐于推戴而不抑制他。
    The people will not feel burdened, if a wise person is in a position of power. The people will not feel like they are being manipulated, if a wise person is in front as their leader.

3. 推戴

3. 大家一致推戴他为队长。
    He was unanimously elected as team leader.