

掩杀[yǎn shā]

词典make a surprise attack掩杀。

词典pounce on突然的袭击,猛扑的动作。

掩杀 汉英大词典

掩杀[yǎn shā]


[书] make a surprise attack; pounce on (the enemy)

掩杀 双语例句

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. 用经济利益地交换模式来推动一个文化,只会掩杀到一个文化的灵魂。
    To promote a culture with the model of economic interests exchange will only to destroy the culture soul.

2. 韩信回兵掩杀过去,一举全歼了已过河的齐、楚联军,齐王逃跑,龙且战死,留在东岸尚未渡河的齐、楚联军见主帅已死,纷纷弃甲曳兵,落荒而逃。就这样,汉军一举占领了齐地全境。
    The remaining troops panicked and fled in all directions but were captured by the pursuing Han soldiers.

3. 他唯一可做的,只是孤立地站在这片葱荣广阔的原野之上,心存一种愤懑、无奈和惆怅叹惋的复杂心情,看着这种庞大的力量正在排山倒海般掩杀过来。
    Li Lin's Wetland images reflect the peculiar and logically disordered complicated scene of modern China in the post-industrial era. Impossible to find an answer when confronting the huge force, artists can do nothing but stand on this lush, vast land with smoldering anger and disappointment.