

揄扬[yú yáng]


揄扬 汉英大词典

揄扬[yú yáng]

[书] praise

揄扬 网络解释

1. yYiG:yYSIUgPo 鱼死网破(yúsiwangpuo) | yYiG 揄扬(yúyang) | yYid 余音(yúyin)

揄扬 双语例句

1. 揄扬的近义词

1. JavaScript是非常流行的脚本揄扬,它可以在所有主流浏览器上运行
    JavaScript is the most popular scripting language on the internet and it works with all major browsers.

2. 诗人揄扬永往直前的人生态度,他说:无论为善还是为恶,我允许我冒着一切危险说话,没有阻碍的自然有着原始的活力。
    I harbor for good or bad, I permit to speak at every hazard, Nature without check with original energy.

3. CN 揄扬 VS四野8888 -视频-在线观看-CN 揄扬 VS四野88 -乐视网hbw999的。。。
    CN magnification VS Shino 8888 - Video - Online Watch-CN magnification VS Shino 88 - Watch hbw999 of music...

4. 对於《牡丹亭》的评价,近人多加以肯定相揄扬,以为是经典之作,本文则对《牡丹亭》在文学艺术上的利弊得失,予以重新检验讨论,期能作公允的评断,以供治《牡丹亭》学者之参考和省思。
    Yet, this article will re-examine and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Peony Pavilion in literature and art in order to give it a fair judgment, and therefore provide references and thoughts for researchers who study Peony Pavilion.

5. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

5. 这一类揄扬、赞叹的辞句,我根本就不知道从何说起,所以因为这个,我要你们各位先要有心理的准备。
    I don`t even know how to begin speaking hypocritical flattery! Therefore, you should all be psychologically prepared.

6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

6. 深知自己才疏学浅,不称揄扬
    I know well how slight is my talent and how superficial my scholarship, and that I do not deserve so much praise.

7. 王士稹在扬州展开的词学活动,继承了他在济南以秋柳相唱和的策略,求得前辈揄扬,成为词坛中心,评点时流,建立经典,体现了鲜明的群体意识和领袖意识。
    Wang Shizhen's ci - poetic activities in Yangzhou took after the strategy of his ci-poetic activities in Jinan, exhibiting his community and mastership consciousness.

8. 银杏叶多年来一向被揄扬为当我们变老时,可贯串毗邻和改进影象和年夜脑成果的草药补充物。
    Gingko biloba for years has been touted as an herbal supplement that can maintain and improve memory and brain function as we age.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. 由你的导师&一名教授保证可以或许尽快拿到学位:所有的这些优点被揄扬为只属于那些选择敏捷选择专业的同砚。
    Guaranteed places in classes, an actual professor as your adviser, a quicker trip to a degree: All of these are benefits touted to students who pick early.

10. danci.911chaxun.com

10. 金庸在其一系列作品中大力揄扬的义,与人民利益、社会公正连在一起,也与正义、情义紧密相连,故与江湖义气有本质的区别。
    This righteousness is connected with the good or benefit of the people and the society and associated with " emotion " and " justice ", which is quite different from the so called " Jianghu Yiqi ".

11. 金庸在其一系列作品中大力揄扬的义,与人民利益、社会公正连在一起,也与正义、情义紧密相连,故与江湖义气有本质的区别。
      This righteousness is connected with the good or benefit of the people and the society and associated with " emotion " and " justice ", which is quite different from the so called " Jianghu Yiqi ".