插叙[chā xù]
词典narration interspersed with flashbacks:插叙。
插叙[chā xù]
(文学创作的一种描述手法) narration interspersed with flashbacks
1. 插叙在线翻译
1. 在分析叙事时间顺序时,发现《洛阳伽蓝记》大量使用插叙,行文因而曲折有致,趣味横生。
In the process of analyzing the time sequence, we drew a conclusion that the author preferred interposed narration which made stories interesting.
2. 插叙
2. 我们提出两种资料库的设计,分别是插叙资料库和连续资料库。
The two kinds of data bank are interleaved data bank and continuous data bank.
3. 911查询·英语单词
3. 叙述的事件,采用插叙的方法是不是更引人入胜?
Narrative of events, using plug Syria is not more interesting?
4. 正如风铃破碎的旋律,这段诗意的爱情故事的秘密在简短的插叙中,逐步揭示。
Ricky carries his grief and sorrows to Switzerland, looking for hints of Pascal in a nameless village.
5. ben browder 丹尼尔在第九季中仍然会出现,在一系列回顾中将重放他的历史片段,别且第九季所有的20集都会出现他的插叙。
Browder will appear in all 20 episodes of season nine.
6. Weber用很多插叙先交代了电影中两人关系的结局,之后让我们用真个电影的时间往回看。
Weber, give us the end of the relationship early on and let us spend the rest of the movie looking back.
7. 立即言归正传——有种常见的惯例,人们为了适应社会生活会在会议前做点插叙。
Get down to business immediately - It`s common practice for people to socialize and make small talk at the beginning of meetings.
8. 插叙的翻译
8. 作者运用了一种很独特的叙事结构来讲叙故事的内容和表达作品的主题。该文从这点出发重点考察了这篇短篇小说的叙事结构和叙事技巧,并探讨了作者在文中使用的独特的插叙方式和小说独特的内在结构。
This thesis examines the narrative structure and technique of narration in this short story and explores how Naton Leslie applies the method of inserting tales which have little or nothing do with one another on the one hand, and with the theme, on the other hand and the distinctive narrative structure.
9. 插叙的近义词
9. 我想这些影评最让我吃惊的,就是,他们似乎没有完全理解电影里的插叙部分,因此把电影当作一部顺叙的黑色电影来分析了
I guess what's most surprised me in most of the reviews is that they don't seem to get the noir story in the dream sequence, so they analyze it like a straight noir movie.
10. 67页,这是一段插叙,叙事者在评论,他诉说过的经历。
On267, this is in one of these parenthetical passages where the narrator is commenting on what he's just given account of in his experience.
11. 插叙是什么意思
11. 作品大量运用了讲故事和插叙、倒叙的叙述手法。
The narrative approach widely used in her novels is storytelling and flashback and narration interposed.