

插屏[chā píng]

词典table screen插屏。

词典table plaque插屏。

插屏 汉英大词典

插屏[chā píng]

table screen; table plaque

插屏 网络解释

1. 插屏什么意思

1. table screen:草织盛具 grass basketry | 插屏 table screen | 茶具 teaset,tea-things

插屏 双语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. 艺人们以此为原料雕制的挂屏、座屏、插屏,花草鸟兽,古庙奇峰,玲珑剔透,别具一格。
    Performers this as a raw material carved the hanging panel, seat screen, table plaque, flowers, birds and animals, the temple Qifeng, exquisitely carved, unique.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. 进了垂花门,两边是抄手游廊,当中是穿堂,当地放着一个紫檀架子大理石的大插屏
    Inside, verandah s on both sides led to a three-roomed entrance hall in the middle of which stood a screen of marble in a red sandalwood frame.

3. 插屏

3. 进了垂花门,两边是抄手游廊,当中是穿堂,当地放着一个紫檀架子大理石的大插屏
    Inside, verandahs on both sides led to a three-roomed entrance hall in the middle of which stood a screen of marble in a red sandalwood frame.

4. 插屏

4. 林黛玉扶着婆子的手,进了垂花门,两边是抄手游廊,当中是穿堂,当地放着一个紫檀架子大理石的大插屏
    Lin Daiyu Pozi pulled out of the hands, into the Chuihua door, the two sides is Chaoshouyoulang, which is Chuantang, a localRosewood Chaping large marble shelf.

5. 品种大多为大件围屏、插屏、挂屏等,而插屏的木座多为柴木或硬杂木,有的在木座上透雕花纹,而原配玻璃油画的木座是很少见的,所以带座的插屏比带木框的挂屏价值要高很多。
    Variety oil painting mostly large, table plaque, oil painting and so on, and a wooden table plaque blocks for firewood or hardware oil painting reproductions, some patterns in the wood pedestal oil painting reproductions, while the original wooden canvas Glass Block is very rare, so with Block table plaque frame than with the oil painting reproductions value is much higher.

6. 较大的插屏一般放在当口处,使人一进门不会有一览无余的感觉,同时又起到挡风遮光的作用。
    Generally kept in a large table plaque mouth, people entered the room, the feeling will not glance at the same time play the role of wind shading.

7. 插屏

7. 一般是根据房间和门户大小,来确定插屏的高度。
    Generally based on the size of the room and the portal to determine the table plaque height.

8. 插屏

8. 插屏以双面心为佳,如果是以山水,风景为内容,则更美。
    Table plaque with double-sided heart better, if a landscape, scenery for the content, even the United States.

9. 插屏的意思

9. 转过插屏,小小的三间厅,厅后就是后面的正房大院。
    The hall gave access to the large court of the main building.

10. 后来出现了纯粹作为摆设的插屏,它娇小玲珑,饶有趣味。
    Then came purely as a decoration of the table plaque, its petite exquisite, interesting.

11. 转过插屏,小小的三间厅,厅后就是后面的正房大院。
      Chaping passed, three small offices, after the Office of Jeongbang is behind the compound.

12. 插屏既是实用又是装饰品,可以装饰居室;小一点的插屏可以放在桌子或案上,是纯装饰品。
      Both functional and decorative table plaque that can be decorated room; smaller table plaque can be placed on a table or case, is pure decoration.

13. 独扇屏风又名插屏,一般为单扇插在一个特制的底座上的形制,底座用两条纵向木墩,正中立柱,两柱间用两道横梁连接。
      Single fan screens, also known as table plaque, usually as a single fan in a special insert on the base shape, base with two vertical wooden pier, the middle column, two column connection between the use of two beams.