词典families’ cooperation the way their livestocks pull one cart
词典use the cattle of different families to draw the same cart in the small-scale peasant economy
1. 插车
1. 从开始计划生育控制人口到现在,人还是越来越多,这使北京的城市喘不过气来,使这个城市的交通越越紧张,出入越来越不便,办事要排几个小时的队等现象依然占据了重点,让人产生了心里上的恐惧感,虽然交通便利,城市繁荣昌盛,科技技术发达,人们的生活质量普遍提高了,但在这个具备的条件下,人越来越自私,越来越降低了本身的素质,开车不遵守交通规则,针缝就插车,见路口就闯灯,无论是大轿车小轿车,无论是高速路或限速路,无论是开车技术高于低,只要趴在路上耍兜风派族,装老大酷,兴奋过劲把油门当杀车踩,被追了尾谩骂追尾的冤大头,稿得道路一塌糊浆,更把辛苦的交警不当人又 Q 到事故现场,冤大头就是冤大头,满面汗淋漓,低头认错,这还不够,交警按照交通规则出示罚单,扣压了驾驶证,负全部责任,冤大头红着脸还得低三下四的道谦,给人家修车,自己半个月不能开车。
Driving a truck or a car, they want to be cool when they are driving, taking no account of the road, regardless of their driving skills.
2. 山东正宇插车制造有限公司,厂址座落在临沂市经济开发区,西临京沪高速,北靠兖石铁路和胶新铁路交汇处,距临沂机场3公里,环境优美,交通便利。
Shandong is inserted-car Manufacturing Co., Ltd., the site is located in Linyi City Economic Development Zone, Beijing-Shanghai high-speed west, north-Yanzhou railway and plastic the new railway interchange, three kilometers from the airport in Linyi, a beautiful environment, convenient transportation.
3. 然后基于可插车间隙理论和概率论方法,给出两股车流情况下次路车流通行能力的计算方法,并对主路车流车头时距服从M3分布次路车流的理论模型进行了推导;
Then, based on the gap acceptance theory and probability method, the capacity calculating method of minor stream is deduced on the condition of two vehicle streams, and theory model is derived when main stream headway fits M3 distribution.
4. 你应先拔掉无线电插头,再做内部调整。插车内温度感知器线束接头进仪表板线束接头。
You should disconnect the wireless set before you make adjustments inside it. Plug the in-vehicle temperature sensor wire harness connector into the instrument panel wire harness.
5. 基于Agent的无灯控交叉路口插车仿真研究
Simulation Study of Vehicle-cross Action on No Lamp-control Intersection Based on Agent Technology
6. 结果表明,插车间隙为3s时,道路的通行能力、司乘人员舒适度、车流、加速度以及车流稳态等方面均能达到最优。
It is concluded that the road capacity, traveling comfort, vehicle acceleration and flow stability are satisfied when the headway is 3 s.