


词典way of doing sth.搞法。

搞法 双语例句

1. 搞法

1. 见到这情景,我心里第一句就是:有冇搞错,咁搞法都得!
    After my V-one-RR is ready, I will go the EGR again for the fast and dangerous run!

2. 不,不,我不允许这样搞法
    No, no, I'll allow nothing of the sort!

3. 不,不,我不允许这样搞法
    Can I stay after you have struck me?

4. 搞法的解释

4. 他们这样搞法,甚至在巴黎和纽约,你都听得见。
    You could hear them in Paris and New York.

5. 搞法的意思

5. 同样的,这样的搞法对任何平面广告都是适用的。
    Chris and I were adamant that we sell the game with the game.

6. 不,不,我不允许这样搞法
    No, no, Ill allow nothing of the sort!

7. 我比较喜欢这种搞法简单的,用别人的素材就能剪出一部酷电影来。
    In 1991, A Movie was selected for preservation by the United States National Film Registry at the Library of Congress.

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8. 凡妮告诉她过一次要怎么搞法,于是克拉拉头脚倒转,把自己最最羞于启齿的部位凑到了他喘着粗气的口鼻之间,又把他那根打桩机一口吞到嘴里。
    Fanni had told her once what to do. So Klara turned head to foot, and put her most unmentionable part down on his hard-breathing nose and mouth, and took his old battering ram into her lips.

9. 确实,这种搞法或许也能取得某种表面的结果,但不能真正被称作教育。
    It may, indeed, give certain external results, but cannot truly be called educative.

10. danci.911cha.com

10. 这工作怎么搞法,你给我们出一些点子。
    Give us some pointers on how to do the job.

11. 搞法的反义词

11. 我不赞成他的搞法
      I don't much like his methods.

12. 作为全国第10位的大公司,这么搞法怎么行呢!
      This was hardly the way to be running the tenth largest corporation in the country.

13. danci.911cha.com

13. 这不是乡下小伙子斗殴时的那种搞法,杰克火冒三丈了。
      This was not the sort of thing country boys did when they played at fisticuffs and Jack was furious.