1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词
1. 首先基于米氏散射理论提出了水滴的后向散射模型,计算得到宝光环的光谱分布;考虑到太阳高度角、雾中和云中水滴的半径大小及其分布等因素,精确计算得到了宝光环的形状及颜色;然后,根据宝光中摄身光影模糊变形的特点,提出了一种阴影绘制方法来模拟这一现象;再把光谱采样强度转换为相应的颜色表示,并采用了路径散射的场景绘制方法;最后,绘制出了不同大气环境下、不同时刻的真实感较强的宝光场景,从而在计算机中再现了自然界这一神秘而又瑰丽的大气现象。
Then, we calculate thespectral scatter intensity of glory rings by this model. Considering the solarelevation, the diameters as well as distribution of water drops in fog or cloud, wecalculate the shape and color of glory rings accurately. Next, according to thecharacteristic of shadow in Glory, we present a new shadow model to determinethe fuzzy and deformed shape of shadow in Glory. After converting the calculatedspectrum to RGB colors, we adopt the method of path scattering integral togenerate the whole attenuated scene of Glory. Finally, we have rendered differentGlory scenes under different atmospheric conditions at different times. Comparedwith the photographs of real Glory displays, our synthetic results are quitesatisfactory.
2. 摄身的近义词
2. 对于宝光现象中的摄身光影,提出了一个新的阴影模型来确定其变形后的形状及其模糊效果;
We then present a new shadow model to determine the deformed shape of the head and body of " Buddha " within the glory ring.
3. 摄身的反义词
3. 对于宝光现象中的摄身光影,提出了一个新的阴影模型来确定其变形后的形状及其模糊效果;
We then present a new shadow model to determine the deformed shape of the head and body of " Buddha " within the glory ring.