1. ambiguity:introspection 内省,自醒 | ambiguity 摸棱两可 | intuition 直觉
1. 摸棱两可
1. 但 是对于大量摸棱两可的用户查询问题而言,想要提供十分精确的搜索结果也是很有难度的。
But the user inquiry problem to a large number of both will do that feel arris, wanting to offer very accurate search also have difficulty very much as a result.
2. 摸棱两可什么意思
2. 你还能比这更摸棱两可吗?
Can you straddle the fence any more than that?
3. 他给我的答复摸棱两可。
He gave me an indefinite answer.
4. 摸棱两可在线翻译
4. 我完全被他摸棱两可,含混不清的话搞糊涂了。
I was totally mixed up by his elusive and ambiguous remarks.
5. 如果错误的使用将使合同摸棱两可或无法履行。
If you use them incorrectly, your contract may be ambiguous, if not impossible to perform.
6. 911chaxun查询·英语单词
6. 小R来自中国,在和美国上级交谈是沿袭了中国式的作风,谈度摸棱两可,频频用well,maybe ,I`m not really sure…对于上司提出的问题也不予正面回答,而是希望让上司去揣摩他的意图和思想。
Smith…I didn`t realize the deadline was so soon…I will try my best to get it done as soon as possible. It`s just that there are lots of details I need to cross-check.. I`m really not sure
7. 她给他的复信写的多少似乎带有摸棱两可的笔调。
She answered his letter in such wise that she seemed more of less betwixt and between.
8. 摸棱两可什么意思
8. 西方法学界之主流思想,因受逻辑实证主义影响,向来认为法之语言必为平实,客观之语言,杜绝摸棱两可,以利阐明事实及观点。
The dominant trend of thinking, dictated by logical positivism in the western legal culture holds that the language of law should strictly be that of literal language, presenting facts and opinions with unambiguous and objective language.