

撮口呼[cuō kǒu hū]


撮口呼 双语例句

1. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

1. 国语音节的读法可分为开口呼、齐齿呼、合口呼及撮口呼四种,这四种读法在一声的情况时,子音加上母音一共有293个国语单音组合,经实验证明我们提出的方法辨识正确率可达86.73%,如采用前三名的候选辨识,更可达91.57%,虽然辨识的正确率仍有精进的空间,但是整体计算及所需的系统资源则非常的节省。
    Then we use the feature vectors to recognize the vowel, and base on the recognized vowel-class, we recognize the consonant. For 293 Mandarin monosyllables, the recognition rate of our method is 86.73%, and it achieves 91.57% with top 3 candidates. Although the recognition rate of our method is not very good, but the total computation power and system resource needed are low.

2. danci.911chaxun.com

2. 昆明方言不分前鼻音和后鼻音,没有撮口呼,声调的调值也比普通话低。
    Before the Kunming dialect is not divided, the nasal and the latter nasal, does not have the syllables with vowel U-umlaut, the intonation tone value to be also lower than the standard spoken Chinese.