撰著[zhuàn zhù]
write; compose
1. 本文撰著的宗旨是,希望在学术上抛转引玉,在实践上为中国的人权建设尽绵薄之力。
The purpose of this article is to throw and guide the jade in the research and contribute to the construction of China`s human rights.
2. 但是在学习用外语撰著时,语言和内部实质意义就都需要注意。
But when writing in a foreign language, we have to pay attention to both language and thought.
3. 问题:我发觉写不出完整的句子,该怎样做才能提高我的撰著水平?
Q: How can I improve my writing if I cannot write complete sentences?
4. 撰著的翻译
4. 有人说只有这第三阶段的撰著才是真实的撰著。
Some people hold that only this third stage is really writing.
5. 回答:撰著就是通过语言抒发你自己的思想。
A: Wring is to express your thought through language.
6. 这一说法可能掉之偏颇,但乐成的撰著是必须达到这第三阶段的。
This may be too biased. Writers, however, have to reach the third stage in order to be successful.
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7. 这也是本文撰著的宗旨之所在。
This is the aim of the paper.
8. 笔者希望通过此论文的撰著,在我国信息安全建设新形式下,能够在局域网信息数据安全建设中有一定的借鉴意义。
I hope that this paper put together, in our construction of a new form of information security, data security to the construction of information in the LAN have some reference.
9. 撰著的意思
9. 而恰恰在这部由中国学者撰著的第一部《中国文学史》中,摩西对中国戏曲的发展作了言简意赅的论述,对重要作家作品作了精辟的品评。
In this first History of Chinese literture written by Chinese scholar, Moxi discussed the development of Chinese traditional opera simply, yet precisely, made a brilliant exposition on some important writers and their works.
10. 撰著
10. 然而,长期以来学界不曾作过深入研究。因而,撰著一部中国现代随笔论著,无疑是学界一项迫切和必要的任务。
However, little research has been done into it over a long period of time, Therefore, composing a treatise on modern Chinese essays becomes one of the urgent tasks.
11. 他撰著的《诗品》是我国古代第一部诗歌理论批评著作。
Shi Pin, which is written by him, is the first monograph on poetry criticism in the ancient time.
12. 而这种撰著哲学史的客观态度,又与其史学经世意识密切相关。
And the kind of objective manner accorded with his consciousness of practicality.
13. 撰著的意思
13. 《孙子兵法》十三篇,撰著在吴国,问世在吴国,离不开吴国的国情和吴地文化特征。
Military Science of Sun Tzu, with three chapters, is written and comes out in Wu Kingdom, and without its national conditions and culture, there would not exist the book.
14. 王士立和闻有红撰著的《隋文帝杨坚》一书,是一部全面系统述评隋朝开国皇帝隋文帝扬坚生平事迹的大型传记。
The Book Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty, written by Wang Shi-Li and Wen You-Hong, is a great biography on the life story of the first emperor of Sui Dynasty, Yang Jian.
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15. 中国诗史研究与撰著的世纪回顾
The Historical Review of the Study of Chinese Poetry History and Its Compilation
16. 撰著在线翻译
16. 刘勰是在全面总结先秦以至南朝宋齐时代文学创作和文学批评丰富经验的基础上撰著《文心雕龙》的。
Liu Xie thoroughly summarized the abundant experience of literature creation and literature criticism from Qin Dynasty to Song Qi Period of Nan Dynasty; the book Carving a Dragon at the Core of Literature was written on the basis of the summarization.
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17. 他所撰著的《十六国春秋》不仅体例完备,是包举各家十六国史书的集大成之作,而且在史学史上开日后元魏史、辽金史、元、清史之先河。
His book'the Sixteen Feudal Countries Chunqiu'was not only systemically perfect, with all the historic books of the sixteen feudal countries, but also was the pioneer of the later Yuan-Wei history, Liao-Jin history, Yuan history and Qing history.
18. 第三卷交游览胜与致力著述时期(乾隆五十八年至嘉庆七年),以赵翼交游览胜的路线、交游活动的人物以及撰著并刊刻的过程为重点考述对象。
Volume third friends go to work with period (fifty-eight years of Qianlong to Jiaqing seven years), with Zhao Yi making friends of scenic route, social activities and process writing and publication of the people as the focus of the test object.
19. 他所撰著的《十六国春秋》不仅体例完备,是包举各家十六国史书的集大成之作,而且在史学史上开日后元魏史、辽金史、元、清史之先河。
His book ′ the Sixteen Feudal Countries Chunqiu ′ was not only systemically perfect, with all the historic books of the sixteen feudal countries, but also was the pioneer of the later Yuan-Wei history, Liao-Jin history, Yuan history and Qing history.