词典gather closely together:攒聚;攒集;攒簇。
1. 他们所能背诵的书,也没有和五孙舍两样,大舅爷还把后妃不妒忌子孙众多的螽斯一篇诗,替妹子讲解,他举起右手五个指头,攒簇的蠕动,形容那子孙蛰蛰的意思,这时候,五孙舍也不由得笑了,真正同情她的,还是四孙舍和六孙舍。
The maxim was something which they had chanted so often and they were therefore not any different from their brother 5th Sun-she.
2. 往前看是层峦叠嶂,攒簇半天。
Ahead of them range after range of mountains were visible looming against the sky.
3. 攒簇的解释
3. 攒簇的蠕动,形容那子孙蛰蛰的意思,这时候,五孙舍也不由得笑了
Of five fingers to depict the swarms of children.