

收尸[shōu shī]


词典bury the dead收尸。

收尸 汉英大词典

收尸[shōu shī]

bury the dead

收尸 双语例句

1. 我只是来这里收尸的!
    I am here only to collect his body!

2. 说得不好听一点,我死了,都不会有人来收尸
    I often wonder if really anything happens to me, who is going to collect my body.

3. 依我看,就你这样的,死了都没人替你收尸
    In my eyes, you thus of, die all the nobody accepts the corpse for you.

4. 收尸的反义词

4. 然后我就给你收尸
    Bai:And then, I will take back your ashes.

5. 我猜等会他们又得收尸了。
    Guess they've come to pick on the dead again.

6. 收尸在线翻译

6. 等着我给你收尸
    I'm gonna bury you.

7. 最难的部分是完事后收尸
    The hardest part is cleaning up afterwards.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. 360是这样的。后来他才在收尸所找到了差事,当路易斯。
    So he was before he got the job in the morgue under Louis Byrne.

9. 收尸的反义词

9. 不行啊,现在不方便说话…我得去给个死树懒收尸
    No I can't really talk right now... I'm trying to recover a dead sloth.

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10. 收尸盛殓的棺材,是以松柏制作的,忌讳用柳木。
    Corpses Sheng burial coffin, is produced by pine and cypress, taboo with the willow.

11. 收尸的反义词

11. 罗千总觉得十分蹊跷,走进装茶的屋子,见一驮一驮的茶全部打开,细细一看,明白了少庄主自杀的原因,心想:完了完了,自己身负贡品押运的重任,贡茶出了问题我也难逃干系,还是先他一步走吧,也好有人收尸
      He walked into the house for depositing the tea, a presence all packsaddle opening. Researching over to that, he understood the reason that Childe Pu`s committed suicide. Upon a thought: We are toast. I am responsible for escorting the tribute tea myself. If there was something wrong with the tribute tea, I can`t fly from the ties.

12. 看来你们今天要给他收尸了。
      Looks like you'll be cleaning up a dead body today.

13. 收尸

13. 一周前,尼安蒂所在的收尸队来过同一间屋子给丈夫萨姆·戴维(SamDavid)收殓。他是这片社区里首名死于埃博拉病毒的患者。
      A week earlier, his team had visited the same house to retrieve the body of her husband, Sam David, the first Ebola death in that community.

14. danci.911cha.com

14. 到时候我们就慢慢收尸了!
      We can then collect the bodies!

15. 我也不指望你来替我收尸
      I don't expect you to bury my body either.

16. 收尸的翻译

16. 不然很快就得用收尸袋了。
      Or they're gonna need body bags on the sidelines.

17. 收尸

17. 我等着明早给你收尸
      I'll come and pick up your carcass in the morning.

18. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

18. 卡尔扎伊总统的办公室说,卡尔扎伊总统已经前往事发地点为他的弟弟收尸,并且开始一项全面的调查工作。
      President Karzai's office says he is traveling to the city to collect his brother's body and initiate a full investigation.

19. 收尸的反义词

19. 食死徒后来可能去收尸了,所以没人找得到他。
      " The Death Eaters probably tidied up after themselves, that's why no one's found him, " said Ron wisely.

20. 收尸的解释

20. 食死徒后来可能去收尸了,所以没人找得到他。
      " The Death Eaters probably tidied up after themselves, that's why no one's found him," said Ron wisely.