

收支[shōu zhī]

词典expenses and receipts收支。

词典revenue and expenditure收支。

词典income and expenses收支。

收支 汉英大词典

收支[shōu zhī]

expenses and receipts; revenue and expenditure; income and expenses:


    publish a balance sheet

收支 网络解释

1. 收支什么意思

1. income and expense:Mophisoft主要提供个人日常记帐(Account)功能,可以自行设置分类(Category),记录每日的收支(Income and Expense)状况;可以根据指定条件(Condition)模糊和高级查询(Advanced Search)帐目记录;还可以产生条形图(Bar Chart).

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2. Balance of payment:有读过国际贸易或国际经济学的人都知道,影响一个国家汇率最主要的因素之一就是国际收支(balance of payment)状况. 而国际收支又包括两个主要帐目,第1个就是经常帐(current account),其主要组成要素,就是一个国家的贸易帐,也就是每个国家的进出口状况,

3. 收支

3. spezo:acheti-购买,赢得 | spezo-收支 | prunti-借出入

4. collection and expenditure fund:税式支出:Tax Expenditure | 收支:collection and expenditure fund | 财政支出:the financial expenditure