

Accept tips;
收梢 双语例句

1. 收梢

1. 它是带着敬畏倒吸一口凉气的赞叹,也是一段充满污言秽语的冗长咆哮的高潮收梢
    It is uttered under the breath in a moment of awe, or it culminates a long, obscenity-laced rant.

2. 收梢的反义词

2. 乌迪内-在同米兰比赛前夕,乌迪内前锋在赛前新闻发布会上谈到:这是一场艰苦的比赛,但我们期待这个赛季有一个完美的收梢,以抹去上周惨败给卡利亚里的耻辱。
    UDINE - On the eve of the clash against Milan, the Friulani's attacker during the press conference spoke about tomorrow's clash: It's a difficult game, but we want to end the season well, cancelling the heavy defeat of seven days ago against Cagliari.