

放晴[fàng qíng]

词典clear up(天空)放晴;治疗;处理;解释。

放晴 汉英大词典

放晴[fàng qíng]

clear up (after rain)

放晴 网络解释

1. 放晴的反义词

1. clear up:女士把伞落在了办公室,所以想回 去取,男士说不必麻烦了(bother),因为天气预报 (weather report)说到中午(by noon)天 气就会放晴(clear up). 应试陷阱A)是针对clear up设 置的干扰项,这里的clear up用作不及物动词,意 为放晴,

2. Sunny Day:10. Hidden Power 觉醒力量 | 11. Sunny Day 放晴 | 12. Taunt 挑拨

3. clear a:53 deliver v. 递送,表达,释放,交付,接生 | 54 clear a. 清楚的,明确的,澄清的; v. 澄清,清除障碍,放晴 | 55 sweep n. 扫除,席卷,范围; v. 扫除,用手指弹,掠过

4. grow bright:He must clear off the work before he goes on a holiday.他去度假前必须把工作完成. | 5.grow bright放晴 | The sky will clear off in the afternoon.下午天会放晴的.

放晴 双语例句

1. 可是,随着你慢慢长大,你开始厌倦等待,等待那久不放晴的灰霾天空云开见日的那一刻。
    But, as you grown older, you grow tired of waiting for the gray sky to break.

2. 少了游人的拥挤和喧闹,看天气又在渐渐地放晴,视线变的开阔清晰,心儿也与这漓江水一样的欢愉。
    Less crowded and noisy visitors to see the weather clear up again slowly, change open a clear line of sight, the heart is also with the children Lijiang River water-like joy.

3. 没想今天就开始放晴了,虽然即将到来的必然是热,但还是希望看到灿烂的阳光,一如我此刻的心情,确实需要些阳光了。
    The latest mmorpg Age of Conan launched at 27 May, the currency of this game was hard up for the gamers. plenty of sites that deal in the secend market for gamers begin to sell the gold, Item4u. com announced, that age of conan gold will be ad

4. 我希望天气会放晴
    I hope it'll clear up.

5. 我原以为天气会放晴,相反地,天开始下雨了。
    I thought it was going to clear up. On the contrary, it began to rain.

6. 我原以为天气会放晴,相反地,开始下雨了。
    Ex. I thought it was going to clear up. On the contrary, it began to rain.

7. 放晴是什么意思

7. 我原以为天气会放晴,相反地,天开始下雨了。
    I thought it was going to clear up, Op the contrary, it began to rain.

8. 我希望天气能持续放晴
    I hope the weather will stay fine.

9. 放晴什么意思

9. 我想天气很快会放晴
    I think that it is going to clear up soon.

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

10. 昨天早上,天上也是盖满了云,而后来却放晴了。
    Yesterday morning, the sky was also covered with clouds, but it turned out to be fine.

11. 放晴是什么意思

11. 昨天早上,天上也是盖满了云,而后来却放晴了。
      B: Yesterday morning, the sky was also covered with clouds, but it turned out to be fine.

12. 他们二人都没有什么急事在身,适才雨神一阵造访,如今业已放晴,天朗气清。他们溜溜达达地从那既无乘客又无车夫、空荡荡地等候着的马车旁走过去。这时,恰好一辆都柏林联合电车公司的撒沙车开了回来。
      So as neither of them were particularly pressed for time, as it happened, and the temperature refreshing since it cleared up after the recent visitation of Jupiter Pluvius, they dandered along past by where the empty vehicle was waiting without a fare or a jarvey.

13. 溽暑消失,天气放晴,故鸟雀也十分活跃,从争噪的鸣声之中透露出雨后新晴带来的喜悦。
      RuShu disappear, the weather is fine, is also very active, birds from the fight in the chirp revealed after the new shine.

14. 持续的雨天突然放晴了。
      The spell of rainy weather has broken.

15. 你的人生并不象你说的那样只有阴雨天,你的未来一定有放晴的时候。
      Your life does not resemble like that you say only having the sky overcast and rainy, when your future definitely has clearing up.

16. 放晴

16. 晴天,是因为我想你我笑了;多云时,是你没联系我了天阴了,雨天,是因为我想你想哭了,赶快回个短信吧,让我的天放晴
      Sunny day, because I think you and I laugh; cloudy when you did not contact me, overcast, and rainy days, because I think you want to cry, and quickly return a message and let my day sunny!

17. 曾经的一点点,支离破醉的画面:春天的细雨中,你和我在操场一圈一圈不知疲倦地跑步,任雨丝沾在我们的发上、衣服上也无所谓,最美的不是下雨天,是曾与你躲过的雨的屋檐;阳光还是灿烂的夏天,和你相处那么的自然,默契百分百,当你,在我的身边,快乐变得简单,听见微风在呼吸,放晴的天好平静;秋天的池塘边,你和我在水旁,拾起一片片落叶,小心翼翼地将它们埋好,冬天的冰冷里,我们彼此取明,为等它于每一个黄昏日落
      Once a little bit, incoherent drunk-breaking pictures: spring rain, you and I circle the playground tireless running, he served as strands of rain drift stick in our hair, the clothes also does not matter, the most beautiful is not the rainy day, who have escaped the rain with your roof; the sun or bright summer, and you get along so natural, tacit understanding hundred percent, when you, in my side, happy easy, I heard a gentle breeze in the breathing, clear up in days Good quiet; autumn pond, you and I in the water next to pick up a fallen leaves, and carefully buried them good, cold winter, we take each other out, in order to wait for it in every one evening sunset......

18. 放晴的翻译

18. 不过据闯王的最新预报,周六还是有小雨,周日才阴天,没有放晴的意思。
      But according the latest weather forecast from Chuangwang, Saturday sitll has rainy, Sunday has cloudy, has no sunny day.

19. danci.911cha.com

19. 希望明天天气会放晴,庆祝酒会将在花园举行。
      If only it would clear up tpmorrow, then the drinking party for celebration would be held in the garden.

20. 威尔玛飓风过后,墨西哥坎昆地区的居民和旅游者纷纷走上放晴的街头,在洪水中寻找食物。
      Residents and tourists wander the flooded streets of Cancun Mexico in search of food as the sound returns after a battering by Wilma.