

政柄[zhèng bǐng]


词典political (state) power

政柄 汉英大词典

政柄[zhèng bǐng]


[书] political (state) power; regime

政柄 双语例句

1. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

1. 他举例说:希特勒将许多现代艺术的形式贬斥为不道德,但是我认为那些为希特勒画肖像,放到新艺术博物馆里,去取媚于这个握有政柄大权的统治者的画家,是不道德诸事中最不道德的。
    Hitler has denounced many forms of modern art as immoral, but I consider that those painters who paint portraits of Hitler, to be shown at the new Art Museum in order to please the powerful ruler, are the immoral of all.

2. 政柄

2. 在1127年,北方的一个少量平易近族金河南led显示屏,战败的北宋当局被迫逃往南边,并在杭州成立起南宋政柄
    In the year 1127, the Jin, a minority nationality in the north, vanquished the Northern Song government, whelloch fled south and established the Southern Song regime in Hangzhou.