

故世[gù shì]


词典pass away去世;(时间等)消磨掉;终止;停止。

故世 汉英大词典

故世[gù shì]

die; pass away

故世 双语例句

1. 故世的反义词

1. 上周四是两国签订友好条约一百周年纪念日。他妻子故世的周年到了,使他的心情很不好。
    Last Thursday Britain and France celebrated the 100th anniversary of the signing of a friendship agreement called the Entente Cordiale.

2. 他原来想在这里读完中学后到牛津去读大学,但他的父亲猝然故世,他的美梦也随之破灭。
    He thought of going to study in Oxford after finishing high school here. But his father`s sudden death upset his applecart.

3. 我提到她故世的母亲时,她便哭了起来,我怕是我触到了她的伤心处。
    I'm afraid I hit a nerve when I mentioned her dead mother, ad she began to cry.

4. 他妻子故世的周年到了,使他的心情很不好。
    The anniversary of his wife's death had dejected him.

5. 故世是什么意思

5. 他原是一位很有才干的学者,但自他的妻子故世后,他便染上了杯中之物。
    He was once a brilliant academic, but he took to the bottle when his wife died.

6. 他妻子上星期故世,所以他看上去很难过是毫不奇怪的。
    His wife died last week, so it's scarcely surprising that he seems unhappy.

7. 当他故世的噩耗传出时,人们从四面八方奔向出事现场,在那条河上划着船希望能找到屈原的尸体。
    When the news of his death came, people rushed from all quarters to the scene, rowing boats on the river in an attempt to find his remains, which had drifted downstream and were never recovered.

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8. 云南省的这个地区对于故世老人的葬礼有一整套丧葬仪式,但现在却无法为地震遇难者举行这样的葬礼。大多数遇难者都是老人。
    This part of Yunnan has a rich set of rituals that accompanies funerals for elders, but those have had to be set aside for those killed in the quake, most of whom were older.

9. 它是一种时尚,它将故世
    Is it a fad, which will pass away?

10. 故世的翻译

10. 不管多少年故世,请珍惜我们的爱,直到最后一天。
    No matter how many years will pass away, please treasure our love till the last day.

11. 故世

11. 他保证将地球上的天堂,但他的话故世不放过。
      He assured that heaven earth shall pass away but his words will not pass.

12. 故世的意思

12. 我提到她故世的母亲时,她便哭了起来,我怕是我触到了她的伤心处。
      When I mentioned her dead mother, ad she began to cry.

13. 耶稣说,天地会故世,但我的话不会故世
      Jesus said, Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.

14. 如果你故世后,保险政策,将可还清余下的房贷余额。
      If you pass away, the insurance policy will pay off the remainder of your mortgage balance.