1. 漫步于那段流金的岁月,不由得让我们想起曲折迂回的克诺索斯迷宫、雄壮威武的狮子门、千古吟颂的荷马史诗、精彩绝伦的雕塑、典雅雄伟的神庙建筑,当然那些诉说着历史变迁的故垒废墟、残垣断壁、荒城古冢、破砖碎瓦也会同时一一从我们眼前掠过,总不免触景生情,亦难免感慨万千:历史失落感油然而生啊。
Immersing us in the period of glory, we can't help ourselves recall the intricate Knossos Palace, the grand Lion Gate, the gracious Homer's Iliad and Odyssey, the matchless sculptures, and the magnificent temples; certainly, those old castles with broken walls bricks in front of us also make us feel sentimental: the feeling of be lost in the history rises up.
2. 故垒的近义词
2. 故垒西边,人道是:三国周郎赤壁。
Therefore west side builds, the humanity is: Three-country week court attendant Chibi.