

敛迹[liǎn jī]


词典temporarily desist from one's evil ways敛迹。


词典lie low敛迹;平躺,大败,潜伏;韬晦;隐匿。

敛迹 汉英大词典

敛迹[liǎn jī]

temporarily desist from one's evil ways; lie low

敛迹 双语例句

1. 敛迹在线翻译

1. 除了那个以外,所有的坏蛋都已敛迹了。
    All of the blackguards have kept out of the way except that one.

2. 除了那个以外,所有的坏蛋都已敛迹了。
    All of the blackguards have kept out of the way expect that one.

3. 连这个在内,所有的坏蛋都已敛迹了。
    All of the blackguards have kept out of the way besides that one.

4. 连这个在内,所有的坏蛋都已敛迹了。
    All of the blackguards have kept out of the way besidesthat one.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. 除了那一个以外,所有的坏蛋都已敛迹了。
    All of the blackguards have kept out of the way except thatone.

6. 敛迹的翻译

6. 她虽然有点新闻维持,但是再也没有找回昔日的风光,最终还是在娱乐圈销声敛迹
    Although she has a little news to maintain, but no longer retrieve old scenes, ultimately sold in the entertainment circle sound Lian Ji.

7. 敛迹的反义词

7. 往昔已敛迹循形,未来没有云雾笼罩。
    The shapes of the past dissolved and the future was free of clouds.

8. danci.911cha.com

8. 我自然不会狂妄到认为凡是《旁观者报》所到之处,其他报刊一律为之敛迹
    I shall not be so vain as to think that where The Spectator appears the other public prints will vanish.

9. 盗匪敛迹
    The bandits went into hiding.