

敢想敢干[gǎn xiǎng gǎn gàn]

词典have the courage to think and act敢想敢干。

词典dare [venture] to think and do


词典dare to use one's head and dare to act敢想敢干。

敢想敢干 汉英大词典

敢想敢干[gǎn xiǎng gǎn gàn]

have the courage to think and act; dare [venture] to think and do; dare to use one's head and dare to act

敢想敢干 网络解释

1. have the courage to think and act:敢说敢为--dare to speak and act | 敢想敢干--have the courage to think and act | 敢做敢当--be hold enough to do sth and accept responsibility for it