

散兵游勇[sǎn bīng yóu yǒng]

词典stragglers and disbanded soldiers游勇;散兵游勇。

词典disbanded soldiers and wandering police散兵游勇。

词典stray soldiers after defeat散兵游勇。

散兵游勇 汉英大词典

散兵游勇[sǎn bīng yóu yǒng]

stragglers and disbanded soldiers; disbanded soldiers and wandering police; stray soldiers after defeat

散兵游勇 双语例句

1. 年轻的愣头青们穿着这样的衣服走在街上,就像散兵游勇,邋里邋遢。
    Slovenly, in such clothes, the rash youngsters are wandering on the street like routed soldiers.

2. 在如此短暂的时间里,一帮散兵游勇(a collection of individuals有贬义吗?)怎么可能被捏合成一支钢铁之师?
    In these short periods, how can a collection of individuals be moulded into a team?

3. 文化最终是一种精神,人是要有精神的,没有精神的队伍是散兵游勇乌合之众。
    Culture is a kind of spirit ultimately, all the human being should have spirit, if a group without spirit then they can do nothing successfully.

4. 散兵游勇在线翻译

4. 在你的脑海中就保留一个念头,并且看着它一步一步的实现,你可以集中意念中所有的散兵游勇形成一股巨大的力量,全力集中于只仅有的一个念头。
    Keep the one thought in mind, SEE it being carried out step by step, and you can knit any group of workers into one homogeneous whole, all centered on the one idea.

5. 散兵游勇

5. 那些散兵游勇向政府投降了。
    Those stragglers and disbanded soldiers surrendered to the government.

6. 散兵游勇的反义词

6. 年轻的愣头青们穿着这样的衣服走在街上,就像散兵游勇,邋里邋遢。
    Punk walk the street in them, he would look like a deserter, utterly dishevelled and unkempt.

7. 散兵游勇

7. 借鉴法国波尔多葡萄酒产区的成功经验,蓬莱市决定引导本地葡萄酒企业走抱团儿发展之路,用一个小小的标志把处于散兵游勇状态的品牌串联起来,形成一个整体品牌,以做大做强蓬莱葡萄酒产业。
    French Bordeaux wine-producing areas from the successful experience of Penglai City, decided to take the lead of the local wine business Baotuan child development, with a small remnant, in a sign the state`s brand series, a whole Brand to become bigger and stronger Penglai wine industry.

8. 凯撒深知,这些部落虽然经常以散兵游勇的方式互相争战,但对他来说,这不过是在“玩打仗”。
    Caesar knew that though the tribes had always fought each other via occasional skirmishes, he considered them to only be " playing at war ".

9. 散兵游勇的近义词

9. 我们最初只是一支由30人组成的散兵游勇的队伍。
    We started out with a little rag-tag team of 30 people.

10. 散兵游勇是什么意思

10. 凯撒深知,这些部落虽然经常以散兵游勇的方式互相争战,但对他来说,这不过是在“玩打仗”。
    Caesar knew that though the tribes had always fought each other via occasional skirmishes, he considered them to only be " playing at war ".