

散诞[sǎn dàn]


散诞 双语例句

1. 儒、道二家在冯惟敏思想中矛盾并存,贯穿一生的隐逸情结以及交游诸人的影响,加之失意的为官生涯消磨了济世热情,使其隐逸作品中的超然散诞均是真心流露。
    On the other hand, Confucianism dishes of two the contradiction coexists among Feng Weimin thought, run through latent ease complex for all his life, make friends all people of influences, ;and in addition disppointment wear down, all those helped to be hospitable in generation for officer career, it made his latent ease works detached, free and unfettered.