1. 敦敦什么意思
1. Dum-Dum:敦波亚 Dumboa | 敦敦 Dum-Dum | 杜密尔 Dumeir
1. 过路客人是个骨骼宽大、皮肤发黄、满面皱纹、敦敦实实的老头,他那炯炯有神的浅灰色的眼睛上面垂下斑白的眉毛。
The traveller was a thickset, square-shouldered, yellow, wrinkled old man, with grey eyelashes overhanging gleaming eyes of an indefinite grey colour.
2. 他尚需在布雷兰德的调教下经历风雨,6尺7(约207cm)的身材显得肉敦敦的,不过看起来蛮有希望的。
He needs seasoning – under co-trainer Mark Breland – and more meat on his 6-foot-7 frame but he looks promising.
3. 敦敦实实的烟窗里冒着白烟黑烟,象黑沉沉天空上在变魔术一样。
White and black smoke rose up in steady columns, magic within the dark air.
4. 敦敦
4. 她的手变得圆敦敦的,长出了钩状的利爪,只配用来做脚掌了;
Her hands grew rounded, became armed with crooked claws, and served for feet;