

Jing min;
敬敏 双语例句

1. 敬敏的意思

1. 学史》是从史的角度研究汉语语法学的开山之作,填补了我国在这一领域的空白。《学史》的出版,引起了语言学界的高度重视,当时,俞敏、任学良、邵敬敏、陈炯、颜迈等十多位学者先后发表书评给予肯定。
    This book, with its important contribution to the construction of theoretical frane of Chinese grammar history, is believed to be a pioneer work on the issue.

2. 此外,虽然邵敬敏(1996)与陈佩嘉(2000)分别依据华语动量词的语意作分类或是分析动量词的核心成员与非核心成员作了一番讨论,但是迄今针对华语和闽南语动量词比较分析的相关文献尚未有详尽的研究结果发表。
    In addition, although the classification of Mandarin verbal classifiers dues to their semantic content or the prototypical and marginal members of each Mandarin verbal classifier has been examined e. g.

3. 论文导师王敬敏,论文学位硕士,论文专业技术经济及管理论文单位华北电力大学,点击次数0,论文页数62页File Size1297K
    New investment system; electric construction project; economic evaluation; fuzzy risk evaluation; environment economic efficiency analysis

4. 敬敏的近义词

4. 王敬敏,1955年生,华北电力大学经济管理系教授,自1997年开始任硕士生导师,已经培养出多届毕业生,包括省、校级优秀毕业研究生多名。
    Wang Jingmin, born in 1955, professor of the Business Administration School of NCEPU, master`s supervisor from 1997. Guided over many graduates including those who have been rewarded province-leveled excellent postgraduates or school-leveled ones.