

整军经武[zhěng jūn jīng wǔ]


词典reorganize the army and strengthen the military power整军经武。


词典build up the nation's defences整军经武。

词典train and command an army整军经武。

整军经武 汉英大词典

整军经武[zhěng jūn jīng wǔ]


reorganize the army and strengthen the military power; build up the nation's defences; train and command an army

整军经武 双语例句

1. 你们却日夜整军经武
    You people arm yourselves to the teeth.

2. 整军经武的近义词

2. 所有这些威胁,无一可掉以轻心,因此俄罗斯必须立即整军经武,以便与强敌在沙场一争高下。
    Unless they can start recruiting from several population centres at once again, they will not be able to field a force capable of stopping any of the serious foreign powers at all.

3. 整军经武在线翻译

3. 因此希望争取德援,整军经武,并快速推动工业化;而德国方面则欲借此取得中国丰富的世界稀有的矿产钨锑等原料,以扩充其军工业,增加战备。
    China was interested in Germany`s excellent military power and weaponry production capabilities besides industrial products, and eager to gain assistance to its industrialization and augment its military strength; meanwhile, Germany needs to obtain rare minerals, such as tungsten and antimony, which are abundant in China, to expand its capabilities in military industry.

4. 所以,正如我说过的,在一个新的国家里一位新的君主常常在那里整军经武
    Therefore, as I have said, a new prince in a new principality has always distributed arms.

5. 整军经武在线翻译

5. 因为不整军经武,就使得人们蔑视你,这是君主必须提防的奇耻大辱之一。这一点容后说明,因为武装起来的人同没有武装起来的人是无法比较的。
    For among other evils which being unarmed brings you, it causes you to be despised, and this is one of those ignominies against which a prince ought to guard himself, as is shown later on.